I Mustache You A Question, Do These Bull Horns Make Me Look Fat?!
I mustache you a question…do these bull horns make me look fat?!
I know, I know…mustache jokes are SO 2013 but I’ve always been one to hang on to a trend for FAR too long! Case in point, I’m still rocking my AC/DC baseball tee circa late 90s. Don’t judge. It’s my favorite tee. And it almost fits. It’s kind of like Ross’s Frankie Says Relax tee in Friends. But this post isn’t about my bad taste in jokes (or clothing) it’s about those bull horns. Those lovely, fabulous, I die, bull horns. Swoon! And the story behind those bull horns, as in where we found them.
Let’s step back a minute to about six months ago. One lazy Saturday morning, Colby and I were lounging in bed fighting the urge to get up and start the day. I’m staring down our dressers and in a half asleep daze turn to Colby and say, “you know what we need beside the dressers…bull horns”. Colby responded with his usual “yeah, uh-oh, okay dear, whatever you say, you’ll change your mind in three days”. But I had this crazy vision of bull horns hanging on the wall beside our dressers with maybe some chunky necklaces dangling from them. Fast forward six months and I haven’t let go of that idea yet. Enter the Portland, Maine Flea-For-All.
A couple weeks ago, Colby and I went down to a Bruins game in Boston and I begged and pleaded with him to stop at the Flea-For-All on our way home. Okay, so maybe it was more like, “hey Colby, there’s this indoor flea market of sorts in Portland just off the interstate, can we stop on our way through and check it out?!” Colby’s response, “Absolutely!”. He loves a good vintage shopping…more like scouring…excursion as much as I do. It was our first time at the Flea-For-All and let’s just say…I want ALL THE THINGS! Especially this little table and chairs set.
I can see it now in our back, back yard as a little bistro table set in the garden. But then from across the expanse on the third floor of the flea for all, I spotted them. Bull horns! BULL HORNS! They weren’t cheap, by any means. I think I paid about $78 for them…more like $80 something after tax. But after six months of searching all the antique stores, flea markets, and salvage yards for bull horns, I vowed that if I ever found them, as long as they were under $100, they were coming home.
Once we brought them home, I quickly realized that this set of horns wasn’t quite the right size. I actually needed them to be about half the size to fit in the dresser nook. Womp, womp, womp. But I still loved them. I may have pranced around the house the day we returned with the horns singing some sort of rendition of “this is the coolest thing we’ve ever found and I will never let you go”. Except I’m not going to let them go…like Rose did with Jack. Epic fail.
We finally settled on a spot for the horns in the parlor, over the doorway looking into the living room, here:
There was a perfect little void just the right size for the horns. As for hanging this sucker, it was super easy since it came with a little L-shaped bracket for hanging purposes. The horns were actually hanging on the wall when we found them so we knew it would work.
Then it was just a matter of screwing the horns into the wall using a sheet rock screw, which we always having hanging around the house. We have old walls and the screw went right into the wooden lathe behind the plaster. But if we had regular old sheet rock, it would have been better to screw the horns directly into a stud or use a sheet rock anchor for extra durability since the horns are kind of heavy.
And voila, bull horns hanging in our parlor, looking into the living room:
Here’s a bit of an angled shot for you so you can catch just a glimpse more of the parlor, a room that we rarely share with you since 98% of the time it’s an absolute epic mess! But I have plans to rectify that space. It’s currently where we house our his/hers double desk but the space lacks storage. Since Colby also works from home (the life of a road salesman), I would like to turn it into HIS space. You know, since I’ve pretty much taken over our ENTIRE home. He needs a man office. And what better way to kick off the man office than with a pair of bull horns?! But more on that later. We have enough half finished projects going on. Hello…kitchen pantry?! Maybe I’ll finish that first.
On another note, we can add bull horns to the ever expanding list of things that Goose is afraid of. For a hunting dog, he sure has an aversion to animal horns/parts! Can’t you see the fear in his eyes?! Poor Goose.
Pssst…Random side note. Since taking the self-employment leap I have been HORRIBLE about figuring out a blogging schedule. I’m trying something new. First thing in the morning, early hours blogging, since blogging at night doesn’t seem to be happening these days. I’m usually out cold, asleep on the couch 15 minutes into Downton Abbey. So I’m aiming to have posts up and live at 9:00 am each morning. Let’s see how I do! I’ve missed regular blogging and especially YOU GUYS! I love hearing from you so don’t be shy! Leave some love!