That’s Our Old House In This Old House

Yes, that’s right folks, that’s OUR old house featured in the September 2013 issue of This Old House magazine.  Boom!  I’m still on cloud nine in that can’t-stop-smiling kind of way and don’t intend to ever come down from this high!  So stinking proud of our little feature!

Okay, so I kind of have to tell you all about how this all went down because it was a crazy turn of events.  For the record, they found me through the blog (or possibly Pinterest…gotta love Pinterest).  So way back in November 2012 I was contacted by sweet Megan, assistant editor at This Old House magazine.  She emailed me introducing herself and mentioning wanting to feature our staircase in an issue of the magazine.  Fwap!  That’s the sound of me hitting the floor after falling out of my seat.  I couldn’t believe it.  After pinching myself a few times and asking Colby if this is real life, I collected some composure and emailed her back “are you sure?!”.  No, not really.  It was more like “OH EM GEE I’M SO EXCITED SIGN ME UP I’LL DO WHATEVER BECAUSE IT’S THIS OLD HOUSE AND I LOOOOOVE THIS OLD HOUSE”.  Subtle emotions just aren’t my thing.  So after many emails, a couple phone calls and ridiculous number of photos (I took the photos but was coached by their production team as to what they wanted), we finally made the oh-so-fitting September “Color Issue” of This Old House.

How fitting is it that the cover is blue?  Especially where soooo much of our house AND the staircase is blue.  And as if the magazine feature wasn’t enough, we were also lucky enough to be featured on the home page of

The craziest part of the web feature was that I never would have known we were up on the HOME PAGE if it wasn’t for one of my blog buddies, Emily from Two Purple Couches.  She sent me a note on Facebook to tell me.  So a HUGE thank you shout-out goes out to Emily!

The weirdest part of the whole feature was seeing the magazine containing our precious staircase article in stores.  I just about flipped the first time I noticed it in our local Home Depot.  I actually I one upped from flipped and documented it via iPhone…appropriately while we were on an impromptu supplies run amidst our window project, with unwashed hair, makeup free face, and sawdust in my bra.  #totallynormal

I call this look the “Home Alone”….not to be confused with “Blue Steel”.

Then I thought we were going to get kicked out when I started taking every…single…copy.  But then I realized how much money that would cost me and settled for three copies of the issue.  That’s one copy for the fridge (obvi), one to be tucked away in a safe place, and one to replace the one tucked away in a safe place when said safe place becomes not so safe.

Of course I profusely explained to anybody who would listen (poor checkout girl) about why I was buying so many copies and quickly flipped to page 20 to show off our project.

So a HUGE thank you to everyone’s sweet comments about the feature.  And one last story before you can continue on with your evening.  One of my favorite comments was a message I received on Facebook from one of my best friends in high school.  It went something like this, “I was reading This Old House and came across a staircase feature and thought ‘that looks like my friend’s staircase, they ripped off her project’ and then I realized it really WAS your staircase!  Congrats!”  Awesome!  Thanks again for the sweet comment Melissa!  And finally a super huge thank you to Megan and the This Old Team for featuring our project and making our national magazine dreams come true!  Hopefully it’s not the last feature!


  1. Thank you for sharing the article about “That’s Our Old House In This Old House.” It’s wonderful to see your home featured in such a prestigious publication. Congratulations!

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