And We’re Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Art Week
And it’s back to the remainder of Art Week…or more like Art Three Days with a one week hiatus followed up with Art Two Days. We had planned on dedicating an entire week to go through all the art we created for our parlor gallery (which is yet to be revealed…you’ll have to check out tomorrow’s post for that one), but the Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition came up (check out my Pinterest Challenge project back here) so the conclusion of art week was put on hold. But I’m happy to report that Art Week is back for the big finale. To recap, we first framed up some mouse note cards in some shadow boxes back here, then framed and matted a pair of pink flamingo prints from Etsy here, then Colby built a frame out of scrap wood for his hometown poster here, and finally crafted a deer head silhouette piece here using scrap wood and left over paint. Those pieces were my focus pieces that really inspired the gallery. But once I laid out those four projects, it just wasn’t enough art pieces for the empty space in the parlor I was looking to fill.
So for the miscellaneous art that I needed to fill out the gallery, I went to Target to pick out a couple of frames first, and then would later decide what to use to fill out the frames. I opted for a trio of frames that were identical in style but different in size. Oh…and they were CHEAP for such quality frames. It cost me less that $30 for a 5×7, 8×10, and 11×17. Sweet!
I wasn’t convinced while cruising the Target frame aisle that I would keep all three of the frames. But once I brought them home and mixed them in with the frames and art work I already had, all three were a perfect fit for the space. I also liked how the simple black frames meshed with the other pieces while still offering contrast.
So then came the time to fill out the frames. I searched our house high and low for some interesting and sentimental pieces. I came up empty handed. I did find this notecard, which was a freebie that came with my Etsy order.
I ended up framing that notecard in the 11×17 using some left over kraft paper wrapping paper (I used the paper to line our wedding save the date envelopes which you can read about back here). For the other two frames I printed off a couple of my favorite pictures that I’ve taken so far with the new camera. One picture of Goose and another picture of a tulips centerpiece.
And then I did this project too.
It’s Goose’s silhouette. I think it’s cute and it ties into the Goose picture above and also the deer head silhouette that we created back here. And speaking of printing pictures…did you know that you can upload your photos online on Target’s website and then pick up the prints in store?! I had no idea you could do this. It was one of those happy accidents…discovering the Target Photo website. I feel like I discovered gold, or a diamond mine, or the world’s largest supply of pink glitter (oh pink glitter…you’re so pretty). Probably everybody and their brother…scratch that…everybody and their brother, mother, grandparents, and second cousins twice removed all knew about this but it was new to me! In case you’re like me and didn’t know about such an awesome service, here’s how it works since it was a little tricky for me at first and took me a couple of tries to get it going.
All I have to say is, MAN I wish I knew about this at Christmas time. I spent about an hour at Target waiting in line to use one of those little photo upload machines at the store, and then wasted another hour or so traipsing around the store killing time before my order was ready. Oh well…I know better now!
So now you’ve seen all our art projects for “Art Week” but you haven’t seen the whole thing assembled yet. Tomorrow is our big reveal day so come back and check out our amazing parlor art gallery all hung up on the wall in all it’s amazing-ness. It is GORGEOUS! Or maybe I’m just biased.
Pssst…holy heat wave batman! It was 74 degrees here in central Maine today! Did old man winter decide to take an early vacation?! I’m not complaining. I got to run with the dog in shorts and a t-shirt…in MARCH! Was it gorgeous in your neck of the woods too? Anyone start in on their outdoor projects? I can’t wait until our yard de-mudifies so we can work in the yard! Maybe next weekend…if it doesn’t snow.