Pending OSHA Approval

This past weekend I was away “playing” in the county while Colby was home “working” on the house.  He wanted to stay behind to start prepping the dining room for it’s ginormous new window.  This included taking down the just…..installed….sheet rock, building a new header for the ginormous window, framing out the window, and moving an electrical box.  Plenty to do, so I thought.  I came home to this:

A fully installed and operable window and Colby fixing all the broken shingles with some new cedar shakes.  Holy window batman!  I couldn’t believe he had installed the ginormous window all by his lonesome!  It was amazing, yet a little scary, because he’s not always an OSHA compliant kind of person and he was home alone.  Check out his scaffolding?  Here’s a close up of the lower section that the step ladder is sitting on:

My oh so creative BF turned the canoe rack from his truck into staging.  He simply screwed a board across each side for support and added a piece of plywood to stand on.  Hmmm…sounds safe enough to put a step ladder on!  Thankfully we have awesome neighbors to keep an eye on him and his shenanigans.  Back to windows.  So this is what the dining room looks like now:

Sorry it’s a little dark but this window lets in sooooo much light now!  And this was taken on a cloudy day.  And here’s an angled shot taken from the kitchen:

It’s almost three times the size of the old window and as previously mentioned, lets in SOOOOO MUCH LIGHT!  Granted, Colby took the panes out so I can more easily paint them, but with just the screens in it feels like you’re outdoors and not indoors.  Every time I walk by that window I’m temporarily blinded from all the brightness.  It’s a big change and was the perfect cure for our dark and dingy dining room makeover.

Next up for this room: Paint the outside window trim and the panes so they can be reinstalled.  Then we have to finish sheetrocking and sanding (gross) before the painter can paint the walls, ceiling and trim.  Then we’ll probably paint the floor temporarily and find a cool light fixture.  That should keep us busy for awhile!

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