Doorway To Heaven

One of the projects I tackled during my weekend of 27 projects was priming and painting the bathroom door and doorway trim.  It also happened to be the ONLY project that I actually started AND completed this past weekend.  I tend to bite off more than I can chew and house project shenanigans is no exception.  I don’t have the greatest before picture of the door but here’s the best I got:

Apparently, I’ve never taken a proper picture of the door BP (before paint).  I’m pretty sure I was subconsciously ashamed of the door’s condition to ever properly photograph it.  You can tell from the pic that the trim hadn’t even been primed yet and was sporting the spackled pine look.  What you can’t tell from the picture was the condition of the door.  It was a rescue door (kind of like our rescue dog) and needed alot of work (hmmmm…sure sounds like our rescue dog).  I believe the door was a freebie or pretty close too it.  It had a little mold situation going on, which we cleaned up with bleach before installing it, but it was still stained and spotty (hmmmm….again sounds like our rescue dog).  The painter finally came to the rescue and ended up with this:

Much improved!  Now only if I could say that about our rescue dog!  The pictures don’t really do the transformation justice so you’ll just have to trust me on the amazing-ness of it.  I love my doors and trim glossy and white!  The perfect shade that I’m addicted to is Betsy’s Linen, which is a Valspar color.  I’ve used it all over the house including the cabinets in the kitchen.  It’s turned into my go-to white!

I’ve made it my mission to focus on one room/project at a time since my weekend of 27 projects.  Thus, since the bathroom was our first project, I’m bound and determined to finish it.  So what’s up next for the bathroom?  Finish this:

That’s our two -toned built up baseboards that have looked like this for about seven months now.  The trim is up all around the bathroom except for the vanity area.  The plan, this weekend have my trim guy (who also happens to be my plummer, HVAC guy, drywaller, electrician, and best boyfriend ever) finish up the trim and then it’s time to bring in the painter.  We’ll see how this focus-fied mission goes.  And because I love lists (and I mean REALLY love lists) here’s the master to-do list (and I shamelessly added the door painting project just so I could cross it off):

  • Prime and paint the bathroom door/trim
  • Finish installing the baseboard trim, prime and paint it
  • Put a couple coats of paint on the bathroom shelves (shhhhh….don’t tell….it’s only primed right now)
  • Install the rest of the duct work for the vent
  • Fix the grout mess up in the shower (it’s driving me nut-so)
  • Build a vanity…yes that’s right…we’re building a vanity and I’ve already got it planned out
  • Either tile the vanity top or find a cheap stone somewhere
  • Install a new sink and faucet
  • Refinish the bathroom mirror with a chrome-y paint to match the rest of the fixtures
  • Patch up all our “ooops” moments on the walls/ceiling with spackle and paint
  • Pimp out the bathroom with accessories and organize it (my favorite!!!!!)

Maybe now that my to do list and focus is out there in blog land, I’ll actually stick to it!

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