Washer Dryer In Da Houzzzzz
Have you ever had one of those moments when you just get all tied up in knots? Or your laundry does?
Yeah, that happened. And that was after I spent about an hour cutting away at some of the knots. Those are the table runners from our wedding that I had sent through the washing machine. I was trying to remove all remnants of ketchup stains from the fabric before turning them into pillow covers or something equally fun, but they became victims to the evil washing machine. It took about two hours to untangle them all and another couple of evenings of ironing to remove all traces of wrinkles.
Needless to say, I was mad…we’re talking rip roaring mad…at the washing machine. And I can’t say that this was the machine’s first offense. In our short, 2 year relationship, the washing machine has managed to destroy towels, two fitted sheets, three pillow cases, one flat sheet, a duvet cover, three button down shirts, a t-shirt, five (yes FIVE) tank tops, two pairs of shorts, three pairs of dress paints, and countless sets of underwear. But who’s keeping count?
The washing machine is old. And quite possibly could be older than I am, and is a laundry eating machine! It’s one of those old agitator ones that ties our laundry up in knots, twisting away at its contents and spitting it out in shreds. Actually, that’s not true. Absolutely no spitting involved. It’s more like the machine holds laundry in its clutches and you have to pry to clothes out of it.
So we made a little, “I’m angry at the old washing machine” impulse purchase. Aren’t they pretty?
We chose the Frigidaire Affinity series high-efficiency washer and dryer and we love them! ย We picked them out at our local appliance store, Dunnet’s, last weekend and they were delivered to us this past Tuesday. ย Dunnett’s has free delivery with appliance purchases AND they even install. ย Sweet!
With our new washer and dryer in place, I’ve never wanted to rip down the laundry room paneling more! Oh…and those metal cabinets…those can come down too. Having the new washer and dryer in this room is like the king and queen of England shacking up at a Ho-Jo’s. That’s just not right.
It’s taking every ounce of energy in my body to refrain from re-doing our ugly laundry room. But with all the energy I’m expending on restraining myself, I’m saving it by doing laundry.
We opted for the highest, most energy efficient pair that we could afford. And I took an educated guess that this pair, which cost us about $1300, would pay for itself in about two to four years based on the amount of laundry that we do (in electricity and water savings) and by the amount of clothes and bedding the old washer was destroying. We should have bit the bullet long ago.
Immediately upon their arrival in our home, I bunkered down at the kitchen table and began pouring over the user’s manual.
And did some of the laundry that I had been storing up for the occasion over the last week while we awaited their arrival.
And as many of you know, I use a homemade powdered laundry detergent. And before, many of you had asked about whether or not the detergent was safe to use in high efficiency washing machines, which, according to my research, was perfectly safe as long as you use a low sudsing soap. The only strange part to using the DIY detergent was that I had to remove the plastic cup for detergent in the detergent loading tray because it was a powder.
So into the washing machine went the laundry, which was easily twice us much stinky clothes as our old machine.
And started pressing buttons.
It was a go-go-gadget washing machine situation. The new machine is so much more hi-tech than our old one. It welcomes you for crying out load! You push a button, any button and it’s all “Welcome Angie…thanks for doing laundry with us today….we hope your time in the laundry room was enjoyable and you’ll do laundry with us again.” And in my head the machine says that with a British accent. It’s very formal like.
And I may have pulled an Elf in the elevator situation, when Will Ferrel. (aka Elf) presses all the buttons in the Empire State Building elevator. I may have pushed all the buttons.
Now that I’ve done a few loads and learned a few tricks of the trade, here are my favorite features of this Frigidaire Affinity duo washer and dryer:
- Energy saving modes: Both the washer and the dryer have energy saving modes where they use a lower temp water or a lower heat speed to save in electricity costs.
- Sensor dry technology: The dryer senses when our clothes are dry, saving on wasting electricity over-drying clothes.
- Quietness: These machines are barely audible. BARELY. It’s amazing. Our old machines were so loud that you could barely hear the person you were talking to even if you were down the hall!
- Sanitization: The washing machine has a high-temp, steam sanitizing mode perfect for gross, stinky dog beds or anything else you could fathom sanitizing.
- And have I mentioned they’re pretty?!
I’m sure there are many more cool features to the new appliances but I’m still learning. But anyway, it’s back to the laundry room I go to much more happily go and do my laundry.
Pssst…Anyone else recently made the switch to a high efficiency washer and dryer? Do you love it? Hate it? Have any features or tips you want to share?
Ohhh they look lovely!
I don’t want to rain on your laundry parade but I have a Frigidaire front loader and i absolutely hate it, but its not the model you have so you might not have these problems. It came with our house and was probably ~2 years old though, so maybe they’ve since fixed the design on these too. Mine leaks at every wash and smells moldy, have to leave the door and soap try open after every wash so that they dry out and the smell won’t be so bad.
Ours is a newer model, came out this spring, and so far all the reviews have been stellar…fingers crossed it stays that way! But I’ve heard that HE washers in general have mold issues and you have to leave the door open when not in use to prevent mold. I’m sorry yours isn’t working out too great…insert sad face here.