What We Got At The Chicken Barn

Last week, or was it a few weeks ago, I can’t remember whether I’m coming or going these days, I posted about our trip to the Big Chicken Barn in Ellsworth, Maine.  We shared all the cool goods that we wanted to come home with.  But what did we actually get?  This collection of stuff:

What We Got At The Chicken Barn

Oh…and one more thing.  The Life Magazine from the month and year I was born.  I still don’t know what I’m going to do with it, but everyone needs their Life Magazine, right?!  I tried to find Colby’s but lo and behold, it was just about the ONLY month/year that the Chicken Barn didn’t have.  Once I’ve got the complete collection I may have to whip up a little Life Magazine art display somewhere in the house.

Life Magazine From The Month I Was Born

But back to the goods, what we got and what we paid for them.  First up, the rope knot which was originally $9 but with the 30% off sale, it was only $6.30.

Rope Knot

You got a sneak peak of it in yesterday’s entry makeover post, where I hung it from one of the coat hooks on the shelf.

Rope Knot From Chicken Barn

I’ve been swooning over all the rope knots that grace the pages of Country Living and Better Homes & Gardens magazines, so when I stumbled upon one at the Chicken Barn, I snatched it up quicker than a klepto at an unsecured jewelry store.

Next item up is the old pottery crock that I picked up, which replaced our old utensil holder in the kitchen.

Old Crock For Utensils

The crock was priced at $30 but was also 30% off (thank you winter antique sale) making it only $21.  I’ve been stalking these crocks for years now, ever since we moved to the house way back when in May of 2010.  Every crock I’ve found has either been too big, too small, too pricey or chipped.  But this one was the Goldilocks of crocks and was “just right”.  The crock is so much spacier than the old, too crammed full utensil holder.

The next Chicken Barn score was that gorgeous coral/aqua shell we showed you during our Chicken Barn tour.  It was $10 plus the 30% off for a final price of $7.

Coral And Aqua Shell

I love the shell…absolutely love the shell.  Right now, it’s on our bathroom vanity.  That is if you can call it a vanity.  It’s just a painted piece of plywood with a $10 Habitat For Humanity Re-Store sink attached to it.  It’s a “temporary vanity”….an air quoted temporary vanity because it’s been there for nearly three years.  But I swear this year will be the year that we FINALLY finish the bathroom and build a real vanity!

Sea Shell On Bathroom Vanity

Anyway, the shell is parked on the vanity to serve the purpose of jewelry holder when I remove my bling at night for face washing time.

Sea Shell Holding Jewelery On Vanity

And finally, my favorite score…drum roll please….the green metal cabinet.

Green Metal Cabinet

I actually didn’t buy it during my first trip to the chicken barn.  I came home without it, did nothing but think about it for the next seven days, dreamed about stroking it gently and whispering sweet nothings to it, and returned to the Chicken Barn the following weekend to pick it up.  And thankfully it was still there and still on sale.  It’s original price tag was $30 but with the 30% off discount, the price came down to $21.

As for the location, the cabinet became an office space organizer and I tucked it under my computer on my side of our shared, his/hers desk.

Metal Cabinet In Office Space

I’m really digging the cabinet in that spot.  I love how it elevates the computer just enough so that it helps fill the awkward void between the top of the monitor and underneath the shelves.  I can’t explain but that empty space always bothered me.  I chalk it up to general weirdness.

Anyway…I knew exactly what I wanted to use the cabinet for when I bought it…CD storage.

Metal Cabinet Used For CD Storage

I’ve been on a file backup/cleanup my computer rampage lately.  Mostly because my computer is old, storage on it is maxed out, and I’m trying to burn all my files to CDs, organizing and storing them in the cabinet.

I was worried at first that placing the computer on top of the metal cabinet would place the screen too high for comfortably working at the computer.  But because I have one of those old mushroom Macs, the monitor moves pretty easily up, down and around.

Go Go Gadget Computer

Go go gadget computer!

Pssst…What have you guys found at your local antique stores lately?  Anything good?  Or anyone recently leave something behind at a store only to think about non stop until finally going back for it?!  Do tell!


    1. Oooooh…thank you, thank you, thank you! I had no idea what it was (other than pretty) and showed some restraint by not calling it “the coral-ie thing-ie”! You rock!

  1. What great purchases Angie! I love each and every one. Of course I love the knotted rope seeing how I’m trying to make my own version for Colin’s room. And that shell..GORGEOUS! I have a pottery utensil holder that I picked up at our downtown craft show a few years ago, I spent a good penny on it, but it makes me smile every day rather the boring silver ones. So happy you went back for that little space organizer, it looks perfect in your computer space.
    Have a super great weekend!

    1. Ooooh…let me know how the rope knot turns out! I’m curious how these are made. Are you going to do a post about it? I’ll totally have to check that out! Hope you had a great weekend too!

      1. Well of course I’ll blog about it if/when I get it done! Ha! I am thinking of framing the two mirrors in Colin’s nautical bathroom first with some rope. Too much rope?…Nah! 🙂

  2. Also an FYI, that knot is known as a Monkey’s Fist. It has traditionally been used to weight the end of a rope so it can be thrown farther (like from the ship to a dock), but also has a bit more sinister use if desired. It can be tied around a heavy round object (such as a steel ball, large bearing, or even a rock) and becomes a bludgeoning weapon.

    On a personal note, tying one the way you bought yours makes for a really fun dog toy too. Just make it out of some durable rope, or even tie it around a tennis ball. It’s loads of fun. =D

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