Diary of A Deck: Day Three…The Last Episode

Day 3.  October 2nd, 2011.  Oh-six-hundred hours.  Tired…sore…cranky…the troops were up and assessing the mission’s status.  This was to be their last day working on Operation Deck Build due to a necessity to move to the interior of the house to resume Operation Desk Build.  On tap for the day…stair building.  Colby first assembled the stair frame:

Then attached it to the deck:

And added the stair treads:

The rain held off for most of the day but was still present (can you tell from all the spots in the pictures….so sorry).  While the troops were grateful to have usable stairs once again, it did open them up to more frequent Goose attacks during the mission.  Again, Angie assumed the role of Goose Attack Averter.

After the stairs were properly secured, it was time to add deck posts.

These proved a bit….difficult…due to the notches that needed to be made for the railings.

Railings were added.

And the deck really started coming together.

As we come to the close of our mission, the troops were reprieved from their duties and were allowed a celebratory mission completed (well…almost) beer, otherwise knows as the inaugural deck beer.  Mmmm….beer.

Ok…I’m seriously not feeling this tonight.  Writing like a drill sergeant just isn’t my thing.  So true to form, I’m back as Angie and bidding adieu to drill sergeant.  We’re done working on the deck for now to get back to the desk building project.  Besides, it’s hunting season here in Maine so I’m about to become a hunting widow.  Colby pretty much spends all his waking hours in the woods chasing the illusive big buck.

What’s left to do to finish the deck:

  • Screw down all the deck planks
  • Add balusters
  • Stain/seal the deck
  • Add a Goose gate (you know…a gate we can open and close across the stairs so he can stay out on the deck sans leash)
  • Create a storage station underneath the deck for a trash can/recycling collection center
  • Oh yeah…and pour footings if the code enforcement guy ever gets back to us

So here’s to many more deck beers and years of enjoyment on the deck as the deck fulfills its deck destiny.

Pssst…Enough about me, what have you all been up to?  Build any decks lately?  Or anyone else lose their other half completely to the woods during hunting season?!  At least the house stays clean while he’s gone!  Even more so when he takes the dog!

One Comment

  1. You two sure are motivated. I am impressed and It looks great. No smart remark about moms approval needed, you brats.

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