How Do You Get 105 Snowflakes Into A House

You take off their hats…no…wait…that’s popes in a car.  Hmmmmm…I got it!  Hang them in the windows and the lofty area above the staircase!

Snowflakes Hanging Above Staircase

To add a little Christmas cheer around our house, I took advantage of some dollar store snowflake ornaments and hung them ALL OVER the house.  “Take advantage” is putting it lightly.  I STOCKED up.  And came home with 105 snowflakes for less than $20.  So if the world really ends today…I may not have stockpiles of canned goods and water, but I do have plastic snowflake ornaments.  Barter or trade anyone?!

Dollar Store Snowflakes

I spent an afternoon hanging the snowflakes using some pilfered fishing line from Colby’s tackle box. ย Shhhh…don’t tell my husband! ย Actually, I stole it from him last Christmas season to make a snowflake mobile and he’s hasn’t missed it yet. ย I’m claiming eminent domain! ย It’s mine now!

Using Fishing Line To Hang Snowflakes

To secure the snowflakes to the window trim and to the ceiling above the staircase, I just used good ol’ 3M Command Hooks.  They’re the same hooks that we used to hang the bats during Halloween.  In fact, we never took the hooks down and recycled the bat hanging locations for the snowflakes.

3M Command Hooks

Other snowflake hanging locations included the back kitchen window:

Snowflakes In Kitchen Window

Here’s another shot from afar:

Snowflakes In Kitchen Window

In the kitchen window above the sink:

Snowflakes In Kitchen Window

Oh…and the flowers in the “joy” milk bottles that we made last Christmas also came from the dollar store.  Holla!

Milk Bottle Vases

And more snowflakes in the parlor window:

Snowflakes In Parlor Window

And in the living room window (I know they’re hard to see but they’re there I swear…blogger photographer fail):

Snowflakes In Living Room Window

Both living room windows (again…they’re there…it was just a super sunny day with snow reflecting through the window):

Snowflakes In Living Room Window

One hot tip for anyone looking to repeat this project…to make the multiple snowflake, first tie the first snowflake at the top, then to add more snowflakes, weave the fishing line through the bottom of the snowflake and tie a knot around the top.

Weaving Fishing Line Through Snowflake

This keeps the snowflakes hanging vertically and in line.  You gotta keep those snowflakes in line…there’s no telling what they’ll do if left to their own devices!  Sheesh…snowflakes these days!

Pssst…What little touches have you been adding to your home this Christmas season?  Any dollar store finds?  Or turning ornaments into garlands or window decor?


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