It’s Ornamentary Dear Watson
It’s official, I’m in the Christmas spirit. ย AND in the Christmas decorating spirit. ย I have no boundaries as to what I decorate (or glitter-ize). ย This weekend, I threw together a quick and easy craft project to display our Christmas cards in a festive way. ย I wasn’t really feeling the card wreath that I made last year and instead opted to make little ornament magnets and post all the cards on our refrigerator.
Normally, our refrigerator is a mess:
A hot mess…filled with random magnets, fitness schedules for the YMCA, old wedding invitations, and expired coupons. Clean up on the fridge front has been a long time coming.
So off to Target I went to look for some cute little ornaments to magnetize and use to hang our Christmas cards. I got REALLY excited and geeked up about these gold, glittery reindeer heads. So excited that a few of them “magically” ended up in my cart. But at $4 apiece, I could only afford a couple of them.
To balance out the deer head magnets, and hang more than five cards, I picked up this package of 25 mini ornaments for only $3!
I also swung by the craft store and picked up a few packages of heavy duty magnets in various sizes.
Then hot glued away.
And hung the ornaments and the cards on the fridge. Confession time…the deer head magnets didn’t work (wop wop wop). I test drove one before committing to them all since these ornaments were alot heavier than the red ornaments. They were a little too top heavy for the magnet and did a combo of spinning around so the head was upside down and flat out falling off the fridge. I ended up breaking one of the poor guys. But I have another project in mind for those ornaments. They’re just too cute to return them to Target! But I’m thinking of mounting them on a mini plaque and hanging them in our parlor art gallery. But we’ll see how that works out.
But until then, I’m 100% enjoying the festive, card hanging magnets on our fridge.
They’re adorable! I keep getting all geeked up when a new card comes in the mail and I get to hang it on the fridge. I’m like a proud pre-schooler coming home with my art work ready to hang it prominently on the fridge.
The only problem child in the bunch of ornament magnets were the disco ball like ones. For some reason, the disco balls kept coming unglued and falling off the magnet. I blamed it on their uber shiny-ness. So I rectified the situation with a little fine grit sandpaper to the back of the ornaments and some regluing. I’m proud to report that we’ve had no repeat incidents of falling ornaments.
As for the extra magnets, they’re just hanging out on the fridge, patiently waiting for their call to Christmas card hanging action.
I like how the magnet/card combo helps dress up our previously messy fridge. I can’t deny that our kitchen is still pretty much a hot mess in general. We have big plans for it soon…and by soon I mean mid to late summer. It will include a complete kitchen remodel…but on a budget meaning we’ll still be using the cabinets but just doing a lot of rearranging of things, upgrading the fridge/stove, and building a pantry and island.
But that doesn’t stop us from making minor changes that make for big differences. Speaking of…did you notice our latest kitchen tweakage during the hour long span of magnetizing ornaments? Wha-bam…thar she be!
They’re just tacked up there and we have no intentions of painting them (since they’re likely coming out later this summer), but even the unfinished pine baseboards help class up the space. Now instead of staring at our nonexistent baseboards, visitors will gawk at the makeshift, two toned hutch going on beside the fridge. Doh! But at least it’s a place to store our plates!
Look the ornaments, I bet they would make a great Christmas gift for some loving family members!!
Is that a hint?! Haha!