Life, Lakes, and A Lack of Projects
It’s about time I checked in. It’s been a while. Like almost three weeks and I’m having withdrawals from you guys and the blog. Like I’m getting the shakes. And it’s not for lack of wanting to blog. It’s just, that when one blogs about their house projects and there’s a lack of projects going on, one doesn’t have much material to blog about. So today, we’re going to do a little check-in of sorts on all the happenings at the homestead, also known as the #campbellcompound.
First up, life has been glorious lately. Like GLORIOUS, glorious. I’ve logged some serious hammock time this summer, started a substantial veggie garden, crushed my dad in Fitbit steps, knocked off four books (almost five) this month, and have just recently got back from a nearly two-week vacation. Sadly, it was Colby and I’s first vacation since our honeymoon four years ago. Crazy, eh?! For part of our vacation, we rented an adorable lake house in Maine. Goose got to come too. We fished, we ate our weight in ice cream, read books, and lazed around. Glorious. Sadly though, the only pictures we took while on vacation are of the cottage. But who wants to see pictures of two adults napping?
The cottage was amazing. If you ask Colby what the best part of the cottage was, he would answer “the dock” since he could walk right outside, untie the boat, and off he would go bass fishing. My answer to that question, is “the decor”. If we owned a lake house, it would look just…like…this one. Colby even said it looked like I decorated it. I mean that vaulted, white ceiling?! Swoon! I also fell for a set of fishing lure art. I made mental notes for when we (hopefully) someday, find a cheap lake house of our own to rehab.
Since there’s been so much life-ing it up these days, there has been very little going on in the house project department. But here’s a quick update of what’s been going on since it hasn’t been entirely crickets around here. First up, meet our dirty little secret with our recent bathroom remodel.
Notice the lack of privacy? Yeah. No door and no wall. We failed to put these back in place during our bathroom remodel since I knew taking pictures would be much easier in such a small, windowless space before adding the door and wall back in. We had guests this past weekend and we’re happy to report they had complete bathroom privacy but more on that project later.
The bigger, more time-consuming project happening at our pad is house painting 2.0 (along with some serious yard clearing…you couldn’t even see the house from this angle last summer due to all the trees and brush growing up along the driveway).
We started the painstaking process of scraping and painting the old clapboards white last summer but didn’t come close to finishing it. We did get the patio area painted along with the back of the house but hadn’t even started the front. I’m happy to report that the front of our house is sporting a nice, two-toned treatment as half of it has received a coat of white paint while the other half is still blue. It’s a slow process and (fingers crossed) we’ll be able to check this off the list by the end of the summer. It’s our biggest and most important project to finish this summer so if you hear crickets from us, that’s probably what we’re up to. There are only so many “we’re painting the house” posts I can write so I’ll spare you those updates.
As for the inside of the house, as we mentioned in our one-year house tour, we’re having a hard time deciding what our next major project is going to be. Indecision has got the best of me. But I’m leaning towards converting that little bonus space attached to our master bedroom into a super organized walk-in closet. Or if I can twist Colby’s arm, working on our master bath remodel. Two bathroom remodels in one year isn’t crazy, right?! What if I bat my eyes just so?!
So that’s what we’re up to, but how about you? What summer projects are you working on? And show of hands how many of you are enjoying the lazy days of summer?!
Definitely haven’t been blogging as much here either for all the same reasons but I think a leaky dishwasher is going to push us to refinish our floor faster than we’d planned and I’m secretly doing a happy dance inside.
Can’t wait to see the outside of the house!
Oh my goodness…I saw your kitchen flooring debacle on Instagram! How you hanging in there?! It will all be better with time!