One-Liner A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

This post is long overdue, like LOOOOOOOOOOOONG overdue.  As in I started this little project on January 1st and am just getting around to finishing it up and posting about it.  Anyway, this post is about one-liners, and not the kind that quirky, overconfident bar fly guys use on poor unsuspecting chicas out for a girls night out.  This is about micro-journaling one-liners.

Last year, I came across a blog post about micro-journaling.  Then I came across another and another and another.  I can’t remember any of the micro-journal inspiration blogs (if you’re the writer of one of those blogs, please let me know so I can give you credit where credit is due).  But I fell in love.  Hard.  Like face smacking on pavement hard.  So I decided to do it.  And what exactly is micro journaling?  Every day, you write down one thing that you did, was meaningful, or you want to remember.

Essentially, you write out the date, then the year, and the item you want to remember.  You end up with a stack of 365 index cards.  Then, the following year, you take that same stack, and add another line for the next year.  Thus, you can see what was memorable that day the year before.  Sometimes the journal item can be small and relatively mundane, like taking the dog for a run.

And sometimes they’re much more memorable, like getting married.

I chose to write out my microjournal on index cards, but just about anything works.  A notebook, a journal, an Excel spreadsheet.  Confession, I actually keep the micro journal in an Excel spreadsheet in a business geek-erie fashion.  But upon my acquisition of the Anthropologie berry container, I decided to transpose my micro-journal onto the cards and store them in the container.  I like the idea of having a physical copy of the journal to access.  It’s tangible.  I can touch it and feel it, and who doesn’t like that?!

I picked up the four packages of index cards from Target for only $0.84 each.  If you add that too the $20 Anthropologie berry container, the whole project cost about $24 but given all the memories that it holds, it’s priceless (cheese police, cheese police).

After I wrote out all of the memories to date, I plopped all the index cards into the berry crate, and put it on my desk.

It’s a fun little pick me up for those evenings that I’m slaving away at my desk, working on blog stuff, paying bills (bleh) or let’s face it, what I do most, cruising Pinterest and blogs.

Now here’s hoping I keep this little project up for the next couple of years, if not longer.  I can see myself adding big milestones to the cards (like info about future kiddos or other big life moments) as well as the small moments (like when Goose does something funny) and see how everything aligns year after year.

Pssst…How about you all?  Do you journal or log your memories?  Go the photographic route or write things down?  Feel free to share!


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