Pretty In Pink

Tonight’s original post was to dish all about “how to hack a buffet to turn it into a bathroom vanity”.  But after yesterday’s March monthly roundup, and realizing how construction heavy it was (read…one serious lack of light, fun, and decorator-ie projects) I scraped the post-plan and am bringing you a little mirror story…a pretty in pink mirror story.  Although I told Colby it was “coral” not “pink” so he would let me bring it home.

So Friday night, those of you who follow us on Instagram (we’re @angiesroost) may have noticed this pic:

Instagram Photo Of Home Goods Mirror

And how I gushed about that mirror.  Friday after work, I needed a little “Angie time” so I booked it over to Home Goods for a spin since that’s my idea of a good time.  In my explorations I came across this mirror…and couldn’t stop thinking about it…for the next 24 hours.  I passed on the mirror at first since I was sans husband and wanted his approval on this $50 mirror before making the splurge.  We have a mutually 100% agreed upon policy on home decor although Colby is usually pretty easy going.  I thought about the mirror…thought about it alot.  And dreamed about it…secretly stroking it and whispering sweet nothings to it all night long.  And was absolutely terrified that someone was going to snatch it up from under me.  Paranoia set in.  What if someone buys it?  How can I live without that mirror?  So then I bought it…first thing on Saturday morning…and now it hangs in our entryway.

Coral Mirror With Hula Girl Art In Entry

Goose approves.  And actually Colby approves too.  I’m not gonna a lie, I was just a smidge worried that Colby wouldn’t agree to the pink mirror so I prepared my defense claiming how versatile the mirror could be.  It could hang in the guest bedroom above the green bookcase, or we could replace the boring builder grade bathroom mirror with this slightly more fun one.  But all it really took were a few bats of an eyelash and “pretty please…I love it…but not as much as you!” and he was sold.  Works every time.  He even hung it for me!  Such a good husband.  He really is the best (and probably turning a matching shade of pink as he’s reading this).

How To Hang A Mirror

I have so much love for this mirror.  I was first attracted to the colors of it, but upon closer inspection, the textured border called my name.  I can still hear it, “Angie….Annnnnngggiiiiiieeeeeeee”.  I originally thought it was wood but when I looked closer, it’s a much lighter material almost like raffia.  That might be why the price was a steal at $50 instead of $150 like it’s solid wood counterparts.

Close Up Of Coral Mirror

The game plan was to hang the mirror in the entryway, to replace all the hula girl postcards that got moved to the living room postcard ledges.  The postcard move left a considerable void in the entry.  Reason number two for the mirror in the entry was because Colby of all people, had been complaining about no longer having a mirror downstairs…you know…for proper baseball cap adjustments.  Side note…we moved the old entry mirror up to our master bedroom.

Coral Mirror With Hula Girl Art In Entry

I loved how the texture of the mirror complements the metal hula girl art beside it and how both have that beachy, natural feel going on.  AND the mirror ties in nicely to the woven basket, which hails from Target, on the shelf in both color and texture.  The mirror truly is the most perfect purchase for our entry.  I couldn’t have designed a better piece for the space.

Coral Mirror In Entry

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how difficult it is to take pictures of a mirror without being in the picture!  Especially in a space that measures 4′ x 6′!  After awhile I just embraced it and took a few token selfies.  My “Blue Steel” look may have come out in pic numero uno.

Entry Mirror Selfies

Colby totally busted me mid photo shoot and was all “what are you doing?!”  Apparently I was making some crazy faces and giggling like a 13 year old over Justin Bieber.  Busted!  Oh well…it was fun channeling Zoolander for a little while.

Here’s a view of the entry once I opened the front door and stepped out on the deck for a bit of a distance shot.  You can catch a glimpse of the mirror just to the left of the DIY bench and shelf.

Updated Blue Entry With New Mirror

It was tricky to get the bench, the shelf, the mirror, and Ms. Hula all in one shot.  Scratch that…it’s impossible.  Anyway…that’s our little $50 and 5 minute upgrade…10 minute upgrade if you count the photo shoot.

Pssst…So how’s it hanging with you all?  Adding any art or mirrors to your space?  Do share!  Or anyone else find something in a store that you just couldn’t stop thinking about and ended up going back for it?  That’s usually how I judge whether a piece was really meant to be.  If I get home and don’t remember it, chances are it wasn’t that special to me.  But if I obsess over it, it’s probably worth the purchase.  With such a small house we have to be FIERCE editors of what we put in it!  We’re talking America’s Next Top Model fierce!


  1. Love the look….i also have been thinking about your bathroom shelf….maybe a solution to the question “what do i put in the glass jars when the flowers die”……perhaps colored sea glass or marbles/stones that you can get at a dollar store?
    Also I am very close to closing on a new house that needs all new interior paint. Have you found any good sites for ideas on paint color. This house has all dark molding/trim and stairs and railings and I am stumped about what would compliment it. Help

    1. Okay…so I couldn’t just email or comment to respond to your little painting dilemma….sooooooooo…I just wrote a little blog post about it! Haha! And when can I come help you paint?! I’m going through withdrawals and need a fix…stat!

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