Wedding Wednesday: Operation Invitation
This Wedding Wednesday post is short and sweet. Why? Because I’m up to my eyeballs in invitations.
Operation invitation assembly has fully commenced and it’s taking FOR-EV-ER (imagine the fat kid from the Sandlot as “FOR-EV-ER” reverberates in your head).
So I thought I would stop by and drop you a note (and a couple sneak peaks of the invitations) while I get back to the mess that has taken over the dining room table. Consider this the calm before the storm. There’s currently not a single square inch of dining room table visible.
The invitation project has been a serious labor of love and I’ll definitely be back to update you next week. Or maybe the week after that. I should probably give our friends and family a little time to receive their invites before posting all about them. But back to the invitations I shall go.
Pssst…FYI wedding invitations are supposed to be sent out 60 days before the event, meaning my invites need to be signed, sealed, delivered by….uhhhh….yesterday. Doh! Blog break over…back to work.