A Caulking Time Lapse
In celebration of having all…I repeat…ALL of the trim caulking done in the parlor, why not a little blog post about it. So I thought it would be cool to do a time lapse video of how big of a difference caulking trim makes in an old house, more specifically a really old house sporting really old trim. While a great idea in theory, it wasn’t in the cards for multiple reasons. One, it took nearly a week to make noticeable progress in the condition of the trim. That makes for a long video. A really long video. And two, I’m not a video editing ninja, I wouldn’t know the first thing about how to create a time lapse video. In lieu of a time lapse video, how about a time lapse photographic journey featuring the trim around the parlor window. Side note…the window trim in the parlor is probably in the worst condition of all the windows in the whole house so this was a perfect “let’s make an example” location.
So, let’s begin. First up, here’s the window trim before we began working on it:
And a close up for some serious ickyness:
My next step was to sand/scrape off the flaking paint and then give the trim a couple coats of primer. Here’s the result:
And of course a much improved closeup:
The trim was getting better but there was still some serious ick and gappage going on. Enter caulking. We caulked all the gaps and even used some wood putty for some of the nasty looking areas. And now I bring you a much improved after shot of the window trim:
And the closeup:
So much better! It’s actually starting to look like new window trim…kind of…not really…ok…definitely not. But it’s SOOOO much better than it was before! Now you have to go scroll through the pictures really fast so you can get the time lapse video effect. Go ahead….I’ll wait. The priming and caulking made such a big difference to the trim, too bad it’s not painted yet. I swear that I’ll eventually finish painting all the trim. I’m making progress at a slow and steady clip but there’s just so much of it! Maybe if I close my eyes and click my heels three times saying, “I must finish painting the parlor trim, I must finish painting the parlor trim, I must finish painting the parlor trim” I will magically get it done. Hey, it worked for Dorothy!
Pssst…I pinky swear that this is the last parlor trim related blog post. I do solemnly swear. So I can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait to share Wedding Wednesday with you tomorrow! I’ve been looking forward to it since Saturday when I officially said yes to the dress.