Desk Update Live From The Parlor

I couldn’t help myself.  I skipped  few steps in the his/hers desk & parlor makeover and moved in the desk.  I know I said I would wait until all the trim was primed and painted before moving in the desk, but after a super busy weekend and a lack of tackled house projects, I was desperate for a blog post so I thought I should update you on the desk building progress that we started way back here.  So this is what our desk is looking like these days:

And a bit of a closeup of the doors, which aren’t yet attached.

While I was busy over the Christmas season making pretty crafts, Colby was holed up in the basement/man cave/work shop puttering away on the desk.  So far, he’s made the cabinet frames, installed drawer brackets, built and stained the drawers, built doors, and painted the whole thing.  The desk is pretty much amazing, especially since it’s custom built to suit our needs.  We each have a side of the desk and our own desk cabinet (my side is on the right and Colby is on the left).  Then there’s a middle cabinet that is slightly larger and is meant to hold the printer and the printer paper:

There are still a bunch of finishing touches that need to be taken care of before the desk can be assembled and used.  For instance, the drawers for the printer cabinet still need to be stained and we also need to add hardware, oh, and poly the top.

I love how the drawers are stained a dark, walnut color while the rest of the cabinet is white. It’s like a little surprise when you open up the doors.

The cabinet below is Colby’s.  He built his drawers to have the top drawer for all sorts of odds and ends.  The drawer on the bottom is built to house hanging file folders.  There’s even some more space to add another drawer if we so choose.

Of course I had to take the desk for a test drive.

Eventually, my Ikea desk chair will get traded in for a more classy desk chair.  I’m thinking an old, wooden roll-ie chair, kind of like the ones you find in the Pottery Barn catalog but maybe something more authentic with some character.  I’ve been keeping my eye out for a pair of chairs like that but haven’t had much success.  And why yes, I do blog on a netbook.  I also have an old Mac that I use mostly for Photoshop, but I’m addicted to the mobility and tiny-ness of the netbook.  It’s just so cute!

So it’s back to the grind for me.  I’m making some progress in the trim patching/sanding/priming/caulking/painting process.  I’m hoping to be completely done with that stage of the project by the end of the week so I can (hopefully) move onto something more exciting….like desk organizing!!!

Pssst…I totally said yes to the dress this weekend and had a blast with my momma who was in town!  I can’t wait to share the details…but not too many.  I still need to keep the dress a secret from the Colb-ster!

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