He Thinks My Tractor Seat Stool’s Sexy
When I’m chugging aloooooooong….oh Kenny…Kenny, Kenny, Kenny…you had me at hello. Okay, I’m done reminiscing about old school Kenny Chesney songs and lyrics, let’s talk about stools! As many of you Instagram followers of ours may know, the Colb-ster and I took a nice little 8 hour jaunt over to Vermont for an extended weekend to partake in the Lake Champlain fishing derby (Colby’s activity…I spent my days reading and sipping frothy adult beverages). We also spent some time visiting Colby’s Vermont family. During our trip, I randomly coerced Colby to stop into a Home Goods we were passing on the way from Burlington to Brandon. I can’t help it…I see Home Goods and I have to stop. It’s just my nature. But I am soooooo glad that we stopped because we found this guy:
Remember when I was debating stool options for the Etsy office?! It was about a week ago. Let me refresh your memory…these were the options:
After you all weighed in on your favorites, Diesel (the guy on the left) was the front runner by a long shot. He was my favorite too. And I almost ordered a pair of them before we headed out to Vermont but ran out of time. It was one of those must escape immediately kind of mass exodus from Maine situations. So I opted to wait until we returned from our trip to order them. But when I saw that tractor seat stool, I feel in love….HARD! Seriously! I saw that baby, started grinning ear to ear, Colby looks at me and says, “uh-oh…what are we bringing home and do we have room in the truck.” He knows me well. How could I resist that tractor seat?! And it’s all metal, well constructed, and heavy!
I tried to find a second stool. In fact I made Colby sit in the stool to guard it while I trolled the store with no luck. But I decided one tractor seat stool trumps two industrial stools and came home with it regardless.
To make my tractor seat stool find even sweeter…I posted a pic of it on Instagram (of course) with a Home Goods hash tag (as you should). And low and behold…Home Goods…THE Home Goods…liked my photo:
For real?! Or am I on some blogger punked show? In my head I was all “Home Goods loves me…me and Home Goods are like BFFs” but in reality it was more like “some poor intern spends their entire day trolling Home Goods hash tags and liking the photos”. Oh well. I’m still living in my blogger royalty status dream. #dreamon
The only thing I don’t like about the tractor seat stool is the color. And because a picture is worth a thousand words:
Hello Christmas! Red stool + green bookcase = me no likey! But that can be remedied…with my itchy spray painting finger. The red stool isn’t even a good fit with the office curtain fabric, which I picked up during a super sale at Jo-Ann’s a few weeks back. It’s all just a bit juvenile, primary color looking.
As for the new color for the stool, I went back to my original color combination for the room. Just because the space is no longer going to be a guest bedroom doesn’t mean that we can’t still use the same color palette, inspired by a set of Privet House for Target napkins.
I’m thinking a pinky coral would be perfect for the stool. As of right now, here’s what I’m thinking:
But you know I’ll change my mind about 14 gazillion times before painting it…I’m already thinking of going with a brighter coral-ie color. All of the paint colors are by Benjamin Moore, which is my paint brand favorite du jour. That’s not changing 14 gazillion times. Me and Mr. Moore are tight, like PB&J tight. But before making the final color decision, I kind of want to let the room evolve just a little bit more. I want to make sure I make the right color choice and don’t decide to repaint the stool…again…a few weeks later because I made the wrong color decision. I have a feeling painting this stool, and painting it properly, is going to be a process. So I want to at least hang the curtains and bring in a few more accessories first and then I’ll make the ultimate coral paint decision (or go completely into left field again like I did with the stool choice). But you know I’ll keep you posted along the way and share all the dirty details.
Pssst…Okay, your turn. What are your latest Home Goods scores lately? Or impulse decorating/design purchases? Any other tractor seat stools for the win?!
Sweet seat!
Thank you!
Haha, love me some good country titles! That’s a good find. And I like the dusk pink color though really I think the red could stay. I think it might even grow on you a bit ; ]
Oooh…dusk pink is my favorite too! I don’t know if I can do the red. I’m really not much of a red fan. We’ll see.