Lighting…The Next Episode
Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah….welcome to the next episode, of new lighting here at Angie’s Roost (and Colby’s hen house….aka casa de Colby & Angie). We recently added a chandelier to the staircase loft area that you can read about here, a few months ago added a light fixture to the lower hallway which is found here, and my fave lighting project in the kitchen from back here, now we’re adding a light fixture to the dining room:
It’s a gorgeous light fixture from Lowes for $69 (originally it was $79 but we recently received a $10 off your $50 or more purchase coupon in the mail…how convenient!). Gorgeous light but an uneventful project. We didn’t spray paint anything, we didn’t rewire anything, we didn’t craft anything crazy to use as a ceiling medallion, nothing. We just went to the store, picked it up, installed it and done. Easy enough, but a little sad because it was so simple. We’re just not used to it! Oh, and you can get a sneak peak of the massive trim priming project in the background (like I mentioned before…it’s taking FOREVER).
Let’s check out the new fixture in the dark when it’s all lit up since that’s when it really shines (har har har…ad pun).
Pretty huh?! It looks even more amazing when you take a few steps back and soak it all in as an accent to a room (I can’t believe how long I’ve been waiting to accessorize the dining room). Note…it’s not hung perfectly yet. We didn’t want to clip the chain/wire too short and then decide we didn’t like the height of the chandelier. We’re going to leave it like this, with extra chain hanging down, until we’re certain we like how it’s hanging. Then we can trim it down to size.
The above picture is the view from the parlor and below is the view from the hallway.
And let’s step it back real far for a view down the hallway and into the dining room.
Don’t mind the desk top hanging out in the hall. I swear we’re going to revisit that project, even if it’s not until after Christmas. It will get done. I’m just concentrating on the dining room these days since I have good intentions of hosting a Christmas Cookie party next month. Stay tuned for details on that as well.
Now that the light is hung, let’s revisit the good ol’ dining room to-do list. I absolutely adore checking things off lists. It’s my favorite part of projects!
Find a round rugSet up the dining room furniture/rug appropriatelySpray paint and reinstall the heating registers- Do something with the old closet (I’ve got a super secret project in mind)
- Make some curtains (I’m thinking yellow and stripe-ie since we need to start adding some color)
- Oh yeah…paint the trim
- While I’m at it…paint the cellar door
- Refinish the wine racks and put them in place
Add some hardware to the window (yeah…it’s still missing hardware…slackers)- Make a giant chalkboard
- Refinish the dining room table
- Remove the caning on the chairs and figure out how to upholster them
Install a light fixture- Switch out the outlets to white instead of tan
- Add outlet covers and a switch plate cover
Making progress! My goal is to finish priming up the trim either tonight or tomorrow then I can start caulking the gaps/cracks, finishing up with two coats of glossy white paint. Then it’s curtain time! I’m hoping by the end of the week…more realistically the week after…the trim will be ALL DONE in the dining room. Then there’s still the hallway and the staircase. So much trim, so little time!
Pssst…so, how was everyone’s weekends? Any fun weekend warrior projects you want to dish about?! Please feel free to share!
the correct height for a chandelier above a dining room table is 30″ to 34″ per all the designer shows on HGTV. They say it looks better at this height. Just giving you some ideas.