You’re My Lobster

It’s here…the Pinterest Challenge Summer Edition reveal day.  I’m so excited I may just skip!

I love the Pinterest Challenge. ย Kudos to Katie Bower of Bower Power for starting this little tradition. ย I seem to need the kind of motivation that the Pinterest Challenge provides to tackle Pin-spired projects. ย Anywho, let’s cut right to the chase folks. ย Remember last week when I showed you my pin-spiration for the challenge?

That’s a lobster pillow from Thomas Paul and living room art from Made By Girl Blog.  Anyone figure out what my project would be?  Bueller?  Bueller?  Don’t scroll down…c’mon…that’s cheating.  I ended up merging my two obsessions into a pair of lobster art pieces for the empty space above the television.  When my Pinterest Pins combine….

I’ve been obsessed with lobster art and accessories recently.  If there was a lobster pillow store, I would single handedly keep the store in business.  I can’t explain the obsession, it just appeared one day.  Maybe it’s because I live in lobster-land, aka Maine?!  Perhaps.  But I knew I wanted to do something lobster related for the Pinterest Challenge.  AND I had this void above our television in the living room that’s been driving me to crazy town and back everyday.

It’s just a big blank space in our sad living room.  For those of you new to the blog, we have yet to decorate/re-do the living room.  It’s kind of the home for hand-me down furniture that doesn’t belong or fit in any other room in the house.  It needs some work including painting the walls gray like the rest of the open spaces in the house and refinishing the floors in a dark walnut color like in the parlor and the hallway.  So just picture that happening in here instead of this hot mess.

But anyway, let’s get back to the lobster art project and how it happened.  It all started with a pair of 22″ x 28″ canvases from AC Moore.  And thanks to my premier status as a coupon queen, not to be confused with a Mississippi queen, I scored the pair for less than $20.

Because I have zero artistic ability, okay that’s a lie, I have some but just not enough to free-hand draw lobsters, I found a lobster picture online (I heart Google Images), pulled it up on the laptop, and hooked up Colby’s work presentation projector so I could rough sketch a lobster on the canvas more easily.

Here’s a better shot of the setup complete with a messy living room, a neon-needs-to-be-refinished-stat nightstand, and a dog butt….the perfect picture trifecta!

And then I traced the lobsters.

And it only took me about five minutes tops.

And then it was painting time.  Because I’m a cheapo and I love using what I already have, I opted to use the leftover paint from when we painted the exterior door red.

Armed with an arsenal of paint brushes and my red paint, I dove right in.  Van Gogh, Monet, and Renoir are rolling over in their graves right now with this paint by numbers-esque project.

Confession time…I’m really not a lefty.  I just like to pose lefty for self-project-portraits since I’m completely inept at photographing with my left hand.  After about half an hour or so, I had one painted lobster.

And about an hour or so after that, I had a pair of lobsters.

I didn’t want the lobsters to be exactly the same.  I was kind of going for a Warhol effect of sorts and did a negative of each other.  So they’re the same yet they’re not the same.  Deep, huh?!  With the pair of lobsters all painted up, it was time to fill the void.

Colby whipped it out…the laser level that is (hehehe…dirty minds), to figure out the appropriate spots for the nails.

We just pounded in a pair of nails for each picture and hung the canvases from the nails.  No fancy picture hangers needed since the canvases are so light and the wooden frame around the back makes the perfect hanging surface.

And voila…lobster art = void filled.

I love these guys.  After we hung them, I found myself aimlessly strolling through the living room so I could ogle my new art.

They need names.  Fun names.  Like Crawl The Warrior King (How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days….anyone pick up on that….no….just me…hangs head in shame and walks away) or Clyde or maybe one’s a chick named Bonnie.

I know this sounds crazy but it seems like adding the canvases above the television has added height to our living room.  I can’t explain it, I’m no designer or space planer extraordinaire, I can barely do addition let alone contemplate the spacial relations of a room.  But it just feels taller and bigger in there.

And I love the color combo that the lobster art provides.  Seafoam green with red has been one of my all time favorite color combos for a long time.  It originated back in the day when I saw LC sporting a red/seafoam bikini back during her Laguna Hills days.  Confession number two:  I get inspiration from weird places.

And I love how the coral on top of the media cabinet plays off the oceanic feel of the lobster art.  Now I just need to come up with something to fill the void on that wall next to the media cabinet.  I’m thinking big plant.

So now that we’ve come to the end of Angie’s Roost’s Pinterest Challenge Project, be sure to check out all the projects from our four gracious hosts.

That’s Kate from Centsational Style, Sherry from Young House Love, Katie from Bower Power, and Michelle from Ten June.  They’ll be posting their projects on Tuesday morning and hosting a Pinterest Project link party.  So go check out all the projects, pin a few of your faves, and continue the vicious Pinterest Challenge cycle.

Pssst…For all you fellow bloggers stopping by, thanks for checking in and y’all come back again now you hear!  And stop by my house tour page before you go…although…it’s not 100% up to date.  I’ll get on that!  Stat!


  1. Aw, they’re so cute, and the red looks really cool with your turquoise TV stand!

    Oh, and I totally heard Phoebe in my head reading your title.

  2. WHOA. I LOVE your lobsters! (Sorry for all the caps.) They look awesome!

    Also, a few years ago, Katie Bower did a Santa Claus painting that she used a grid for, so that could be an option if someone doesn’t have a projector. This may go on my list of Projects I Want To Do, But Will Likely Never Get Around To It.

    1. Ooooh! That’s a great idea! I may have to try using a grid the next time I feel like being arty. Thanks for the tip and for stopping by AND for leaving a sweet comment!

  3. I think you need these shoes to round off your lobster obsession:,default,pd.html?cid=48N&cgid=women-footwear-flats (click on the red color if it doesn’t come up automatically) I have the anchor ones and I LOVE them. Those shoes were the first thing I thought about when I clicked on your post from the Pinterest Challenge. I love your DIY artwork, but if I could make one teeny suggestion… I would paint the edges of the red canvas red. I think it might make it look a little more finished. Other than that, they look great!

    1. Oh my gosh…we’re on the SAME wavelength. I was thinking of painting the sides of both paintings but wanted to feel them out first. I’m thinking some light blue stripes on the edges…or do you think that would look a little funky? I’m still undecided! And those shoes are awesome! When did Crocs start making those kinds?! Love them!

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