Register Re-Do
Because I love tackling a good ol’ to-do list I decided it was high time I got back to working on the dining room. And it didn’t hurt my motivation having gaping holes in our floor where the heating vents used to be, which dates back to before we even stained the floor.
We’ve managed to lose several bones, a ball, and a Goose biscuit down the vent. Hmmmm…I sense a theme here….Goose?! Since the vents haven’t been living in the floor where they belong, they’ve been camping out on the front porch in all their ugliness.
After a good cleaning, a few thin and even coats of Rustoleum oil rubbed bronze spray paint (the same stuff that we used for the front door and side door hardware refinishing projects), and an overnight of drying they were ready for their installation.
Big, big, big, BIG improvement! It even looks great with the rug. And it was so easy! I don’t know why I didn’t do this earlier!
And just when you thought Angie’s shortest blog post ever was over, I leave you with the remaining dining room to-do list now that we’ve checked off dining room register refinishing (oh and we also re-installed the window hardware…so now we no longer have drafty windows for those chilly Maine winter nights). You seriously didn’t think I would leave you without a to-do list? Sheesh!
Find a round rugSet up the dining room furniture/rug appropriatelySpray paint and reinstall the heating registers- Do something with the old closet (I’ve got a super secret project in mind)
- Make some curtains (I’m thinking yellow and stripe-ie since we need to start adding some color)
- Oh yeah…paint the trim
- While I’m at it…paint the cellar door
- Refinish the wine racks and put them in place
Add some hardware to the window (yeah…it’s still missing hardware…slackers)- Make a giant chalkboard
- Refinish the dining room table
- Remove the caning on the chairs and figure out how to upholster them
- Install a light fixture
- Switch out the outlets to white instead of tan
- Add outlet covers and a switch plate cover
So which task am I tackling next? Drum roll please……painting the trim.
Pssst…hint hint…I’ve already started working on this and BOY is there alot of trim in this room! This could take awhile! Anyone else do a little trim painting recently? Or anyone else have a room in their house where the trim surface area totally overtakes the wall surface area? I’m pretty sure our dining room falls in this category with its three open doorways, basement door, closet door, and massive window with fancy trim (read about how we trimmed out the dining room window here).