Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition 2013

It’s back!  The Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition!  Game day bucket go boom!  For those unfamiliar with the KFC “game day bucket go boom” commercial, you can check it out here on YouTube.

Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition

I adore Pinterest Challenge time.  It’s just the kick in the pants I need to stop pinning and start doing.  Although sometimes it just pushes me to start yet another project in the middle of doing about thirteen other house projects simultaneously.  Oh well.  It’s still a blast!

Unfamiliar with the Pinterest Challenge?  It was started by Katie Bower and Sherry Petersik to inspire all of us Pinterest addicts out there to go through the 12 step program stop pinning for a second and do some of those projects we pin.  In a nut shell, to participate in the challenge, you take a pin-spired pic, do the project, put your own spin on it, and then link your project back to one of the four gracious hosts’ blogs.

Once I heard the Pinterest Challenge announcement my head started spinning, a little more than normal, about what project I would tackle.  I thought about precisely 57.3 projects that I wanted to tackle.  Don’t ask about the 0.3, if you have to ask you don’t want to know.  So what am I going to tackle for this round of the challenge?  I have NO idea.  But it could be something along the lines of these:

  1. Window sash table from Westchester Magazine
  2. Postcard ledges from Art Observed
  3. Repurposed wire spool from Apartment Therapy
  4. And an Ikea Malm dresser hack from Dawna Jones Design

Or it could also be something completely out of left field.  We’ll see what I decide on this weekend when it’s crunch time.  Is my project direction vague enough?  I could get a little vaguer if that helps:  I’m going to do something…with the materials…at the place.  Ah…there it is.  Anyway…I’ll be working like mad this weekend on my Pinterest Challenge project, will you be joining us?!  You know you wanna!!  C’mon…succumb to the peer pressure and just do it already!  All the cool kids are doing it!

Pssst…You can check out some of my Pinterest Challenge projects of yore including map heart art for the bathroom, some hacked up Marilyn Monroe art for above the staircase, the ombre staircase balusters (which is still my favorite project EVER), some Andy Warhol esque lobster art for the living room, and a china cabinet turned hidden closet door for the dining room.


  1. Oh wow! I need to start going over my boards and see what I can come up with. Thank goodness we have a week! 😉

    I love that window sash table.. I can see you and Colby working on that for sure!!

    1. Yes! Do it! And it’s fun just pouring over everything you’ve pinned over the last few months and consciously deciding to tackle a project. I can’t wait to see what you do for the challenge!

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